Jan 09, 2006 18:28
Well, the company that I work for has been bought out my Waste Services of Tennessee. I now work for North Georgia Disposal, a division of Waste Services. Today was the first day with my new software program for my route manager stuff.....most of my scheduled pulls for Tuesday wasn't put into the new system as of yet because those accounts are so large and they have many different locations. Needless to say, I had to hand write my tickets for tomorrows schedule. That's a lot. But I think that once they get all of the kinks out and stuff, it will be better. At least I sure do hope so. I have 5 new drivers to add to my list. That means that I now have 16 roll off drivers and 5 front load drivers. But we need the help....that's for sure. I guess that the only thing that I am scared of is the unknown. But I did get a fat raise before the take over was finalized!! So that's good for me. Jimmy (our operations manager) said that he sees me making salary within the next few weeks....all I can say is they better make it worth my while...LOL
Well, I'm beat....but I'll try to update on my "new" job.