About Me

Aug 30, 2007 14:23

Gender Female
Location Somerville, MA
Family Married; 1 daughter
Work work part-time, mostly from home: chorus manager

My Parenting Style Positive parenting, setting reasonable limits
Words to Live By
"Time is money!" -- my reality check when hubby or I think we can make something rather than buy it
"Save a rabbit! Adopt; don't buy."
"Remember the past. Live the present. Dream the future."

These are some of my favorite things:

Movies: Breakfast at Tiffany's; Moonstruck; Say Anything; Four Weddings and a Funeral; 10 Things I Hate about You; Spirited Away; Kolya
Television Sex And the City
Musical Groups and Artists Goo Goo Dolls; vintage Duran Duran and Blondie. My last CD purchase was Nellie Furtado's "Loose" new CD and I LOVED IT.

Vacation Spot Berkshires

introduction, about me, intro post
