Apr 30, 2005 01:23
Ok, so tonight was my first real night out since my surgery. I have to say that it was WONDERFUL!
First I went to the L's w/ Kristin for the friday night dinner crew. It was so great to see them again. The L's are two of the best people I have ever met!
Then Kristin and I headed over to Pilara's party. It was just one of those nights where you could laugh, relax, kick back with some old and dear friends, and remember why each of those people mean something to you. In attendance where, of course, Pilara and Aslan(he planned this all... WHAT A GOOD BOYFRIEND). Then that masses consisted of Erik, Tony, Stephanie, Larry Lyons, and the cherry on the sundae.... NELL!! :-) If I were to go back to high school and pick out the people I really missed... this would be the crew. This would be who I would have the best time with. We all get along so well. There's no real drama between any of us. And at this point we're all adult enough to deal with it even if there is. I haven't been in a room that comfortable and refreshing in years! Each person in that room, as diverse and crazy as we all were, had a connection.
I am SO glad that Kristin and I were able to go. I feel like I got to talk to people who were really missing from my life. Now I can see them without strife.
I love all of them! We're going to work out trying to have dinner once a month or something. I'm in :-)
I'm truely content right now.