Apr 08, 2005 01:43
I haven't been using this journal for a while. Mostly because I started a second one to document a health issue I've been dealing with. I didn't want to discuss it here because I know that there are some no-longer-friends-with-me people that read this journal. I didn't want them to know my business, and i didn't want to censor myself.
But now that everything is official I wanted to share with everyone.
I've battled with my weight for years. For those of you who know me in person(which is most of you), you've seen this. I've tried many diets, and all have failed. Most of you I have not seen in over a year. You wouldn't recognize me. In Febuary of this year I hit an all time high. I weighed in at 400lbs. I'm not going to hide from it, or feel afraid to state my weight. Yes, it's a sad position that I've found myself in, but I've been trying to do something about it since I was 10 or 12.
That being said, I have decided to have Gastric Bypass Surgery. I thought about this several years ago, but I didn't like the Dr I saw. A lot of people think I'm crazy, but I am doing what I feel is best for me. This time I've done my research, found a good Dr(one that I trust and feel comfortable with), I'm aware of the risks involved, and have an understanding of what life will be like afterwards.
Now, I would NOT be having this done if I simply had a weight issue, please keep that in mind(not that I feel I need to defend my decision). The reason why I decided to attempt this again is that my health in the last few months has gone down the toilet, all surrounding my continued weightgain.
So on April 18th 2005 at 8:30am at Somerset Medical Center in Somerville, I will join the "loser's side" as they like to call it. I'm both truely excited, and deeply scared. Please pray, send good thoughts, cross your fingers, do a ritual, or any sort of thing you normally would do to wish for someone, for me.
I'm so glad that I have the fabulous support that I have, and I can't wait to be healthy again.