Title: House of Slytherin Revamped (AU) Part II - 'Class is in Session'
mamabasto Rating: NC-17 (for adult theme/just to be on the safe side)
Warnings: light BDSM & threesome theme
Characters: Fleur Delacour, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter
Era: 7th year Hogwarts
Media Used: Photoshop
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and the wizarding world are the sole property of J.K. Rowling. I own nothing except my own ideas, and make no profit. No copyright infringement is intended. Please don't sue me.
Notes: My favorite threesome, 7th year repeated due to war, all characters 18+ years of age
House of Slytherin Revamped (AU) Part II - 'Class is in Session'
Professor Delacour is teaching Hermione the fine arts of BDSM.
click on the image above for the full size high resolution image.
The Slytherin Princess is lazily observing her head of house, Professor Delacour show her the finer points of being a dominatrix. Hermione's aloofness angers Professor Delacour due to her lack of attentiveness...
Dark Trio
Professor Fleur Delacour (Head of House Slytherin & Potions Professor)
Hermione Granger (Slytherin Princess & Head Girl)
Harry Potter (Slytherin Prince & Head Boy)
The dark trio is part of a clandestine group called the Order of Shi Ryuu (Dragon of Death)
Mmm, mmm, mmm...Either women can punish me anytime...
to be continue...
'Hermione's punishment and a lessoned learned...'
NOTE : the stories linking to these pics should be coming soon. I will most likely start writing them near the end of April.
Burn baby burn... Eyes are definitely not m forte... it took me forever. At one point I was seriously contemplating adding sunglasses just to avoid the eyes,,. lol
The model of Harry came from Equus and Hermione and Fleur' model were from some corset catalog.
Many thanks to
avatofjelly for all her help and tips. (Burn may be your wife but she's my mistress...lol)
Click on the image below for House of Slytherin Revamped (AU) Part I