Heyyy there!!
So I met this amazing guy.. his name is Zack ( NOT the same Zac that's Aubrey's dad) Confusing I know! But he is such a sweet guy, We havent been together very long but he already says he loves me which make me verrryy happy!! :) He has been talking about how every child (espiacally) little girls need a father in thier life, and he wants to step in and be a father to Aubrey. Which is a good idea cause Zac could never take care of her, I'm really happy.. I've got a family of my very own now!! Whaaoo!! HaHa...
Well I'm almost 32 weeks pregnat!! I've been having little contractions here and there nothing major, expect the last few times its hurt sooo bad i couldnt walk :( but my doctor says I havent dilated yet, BUT my stomach has dropped alot so I think she well be born very soon!! Tommrrow I'll be 7 months excatlly!! Awesome!! lol.. I have her bed completely ready with all the bedding washed and set up, but I do hope shes not born before my baby showers cause uhh I have NO bottles, dipars or anyting like that!! ekk
*My Big Belly*