Jun 12, 2007 16:31

I'm all moved in and ready to play house. =) Everyone is welcome to come over and see the new place. Just give us a call.

We've been going through everything that we own and we have a lot of "SHIT". So we are planning to have a garage sale sometime next month. Yesterday I went through all my toys that I kept at my mothers house. Here is a list of the toys I could not let go of:

She-Ra dolls, plus the castle, and mermaid home
My Little Ponies
Barbies, everything from shoes to dinner plates
Some Books
A couple of dolls, and some stuff animals.

I finely have room for my piano. Which has been sitting at my mothers house for the past...... well since summer of '99.

Aaron was happy go lucky when he was mowing the yard. He had the biggest smile of his face. He has been, Mr. Fix It, around the house. It's nice being married to a handyman.

We are about halfway to being unpacked.

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