Cleaning out the Bag

Jul 06, 2009 13:20

Its amazing what you find when you take on the arduous task of cleaning your everyday bag (its way too big to be called a purse). My husband is convinced that the Roswell Aliens, Jimmy Hoffa and Elvis all reside in my bag, hidden from the world at large, most probably on a permanent basis.

I found was a water-damaged notebook from the Ritz Carlton, saved on its pages a few notes or take-aways from the speaker we had during seen during our trip to Jamaica. The motivational speaker Devon Harris, of the famed 1986 Jamaican Bobsled team, was just amazing. His story is incredible, but his delivery was something that everyone sat up and paid attention to, I didn't see anyone who looked bored or sleepy during his speech.

He talked of the three things that you need to succeed; a Dream, Discipline, and Persistence (or Resilience).

When he spoke of having a dream, he implied that before success was in your hands, you had to see that success in your mind. To have a vision, and make goals based on that vision can give you limitless potential into your future. If instead, you concentrate on the past, it limits you to what has already happend, making you analize it and project it into your future. Facts are limiting.

As he spoke of discipline, he spoke of it as being an intensity of focus (rather than being methodical and scheduled). To be disciplined was to be committed to keeping promises to yourself, over a long period of time. Focusing on the solution, the dream, will give you the potential to achieve it.

Although you have the dream, and the discipline, the third ingredient, persistence is crucial to achievement. Overnight success takes about 8 - 10 years, so the persistence to find a way to work through the problems you encounter and win is key. The minute a person quits or walks away from the problems on the path they have defined to success, that person has admitted defeat.

At the end of his speech, he asked each of us to create a self-portrait in our minds. When you see yourself, do you see the genetics you were given, your mothers eyes, your fathers mouth? Or do you see what others perceive you to be? The challenge was then to make a self-portrait of what you see in yourself.

I did find it personally difficult to take that last step, as I often define myself as what I have done, where I come from, and what others think of me. Its quite the exercise to get past that, and view yourself as a body with limitless potential, and how it can manifest itself. Yet, its the beginning part of the dream.
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