gin, boobs, shrill voices.

Dec 19, 2011 09:49

It is SO FUCKING COLD. This is not making me want to go jogging, world. Although since I mysteriously managed to fuck up my shoulder/neck yesterday to the point that I could only lay in bed for hours moaning to Shawna, perhaps I'll use that as my excuse to be a slug today.

So, had the annual Chickens Christmas party. Brought gin, drank out of ridiculously fancy looking plastic cups that only Shawna and I used because they hold less liquor. Did NOT get pissed, merely slightly drunk. Saw Norm sing "I'm Too Sexy" which was frankly amazing. There was a handmade-secret-santa thing that I participated in - you had to make a gift, and then everyone who did so got to pick another handmade gift. I won some Melody Mangler pasties, which is good because that woman HAND SEWS all of her sequins on them in a magical way that you don't see the thread, but bad in that they're always made for people with small nipples. I have large breasts. My nipples are thankfully proportionate so that I don't look freakish, but it does mean all my pasties get referred to as "little hats!" backstage. I myself made a Burlesque Emergency Kit, and gingerbread cookies. I totally, totally cheated and told the solitary man participating in the gift exchange to pick that box because I was pretty sure he did not want the pasties. Plus he loves my cookies.

I got to chat with some of my favourite people, which included Blue Morris, who recently wrote this fine article on being male in the burlesque world. It's a fine article, and not just because he mentions my loud and mouthy self.

Hey, who wants to see some photos from a while back?!

These first two are from an Intimate Evening... lord, months and months ago. I made the huge mistake of not practising in those shoes enough, and one of my bleeding wrist veils totally malfunctioned, so I was not at all pleased with the number. But you can't tell that from the pictures! Taken by Jon Snow.

WTF, face. As usual, I forget how big that tattoo is until I see it in photos.

These are some shots of Shawna and I from the Skank Halloween party. They were taken by Patrick Parenteau.

Isn't she cuuuuuuuuuuuuute?

In other news, New World Witchery has the audio spellbook put together! I have to listen to it, still! :D And yes, I did win a prize. I am all aflutter over this, still.

Last night Shawna and I recorded our second podcast. Due to limits on file size with a free account on podbean, we've had to cut it into two parts. This may change if we decide that yes, we want to do this a lot. For now though, you'll have to suffer. I know you kids with your itunes and ipods and whatever can handle it. The topic we discussed was "attention to detail" and we managed not to go off about cat piss for ten minutes.

burlesque, photos, podcast

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