Night's Watch.

May 23, 2011 22:24

I got a facebook message the other day from my friend Duncan, asking if it was true that I read tarot. I said yes, and so he's going to be coming by Tuesday evening to have his cards read. Yeah, there's a damn good reason my stage name is what it is.

Speaking of... my left arm only has one tattoo on it. This needs to be remedied. I have for ages been trying to think of something tarot related to get inked, and I've been thinking for a while now that the Fortuna card from the gypsy oracle might work well.

I wrote the above on Saturday night, but didn't post it because I was planning to add some other junk (probably about like, the David Lynch Dirty Dancing trailer) and then Sunday turned into a pretty busy day. I was at work, and afterward my friend Jesse joined us for dinner. We had pizza and just bullshitted for a while, and I knew she wanted me to read her cards... but I did NOT expect her to basically go, "uhm, I think our house is haunted or something, can you help with that?"

The answer, of course, was "yes." My mom was scheduled to come out today anyway, so I called her and asked if she would mind swinging out to Richmond to check out Jesse's place.

So that's exactly what we did today. Jesse's mom has been SO scared of this one room lately (the living room) that she refused to sleep alone, making one of her three daughters sleep with her if her husband was at work overnight. Jesse and her family are Indian, and she had a prayer tape going in the living room on repeat as well. Jesse's mom treated my sister, mother and I like we were fucking saints or something simply because we were willing to help out. She was super sweet, and I certainly hope she feels better now.

Now, as most people know, I'm as psychically sensitive as a fucking brick, but even I could tell the 'problem room' because as soon as you went in, there was a heaviness. (Could this be because we knew ahead of time which room it was? Sure. But it could also be because it felt fucking weird.) There was another room upstairs which was also creepy, but it wasn't as severe as the living room. So, we checked it out (well, Mom and Shawna did, really) and we did some quick card pulls to confirm things, and set to work.

It was nothing extreme. Lots of saging and salt water, burning frankincense and myrrh, having Mom and Shawna check out the vibes and talked to dead people, the LBRP and the Rose Cross, and some follow up instructions to leave out some vinegar and such. Standard procedure, I think. It took a while, but simply because so much of the energy seemed like... fucking STUBBORN and ingrained. But by the time we left it seemed a lot clearer, so I'm optimistic that there will be less creepy vibes going on. One of Jesse's other friends claims to be quite sensitive, so I want her to swing by later in the week and just see if there's a noticeable difference. (I don't want Jesse to tell her anything's been cleansed or whatever, of course. Look, this ain't science but if we did anything at all it should be fucking noticeable, you know?)

AND THEN WE WENT TO THE MALL! :D I bought a new bra, since my purple one snapped at the strap and nearly took my damn eye out.

I also got Mom to bring me out stuff from her store: angelica root, catnip, and mugwort. Also a beautiful glass oil burner, and some sandalwood incense. Mom also brought me something that Coventry creations had given her as a 'free gift' sorta thing - one of their 'world magic' series candles, Ol' Fuckin' One-Eye. I dunno what I'll do with it just yet, since I've basically avoided the Norse since I was a teenager.

In non-mystical news, Shawna's got me watching Game of Thrones. HOLY MOTHERFUCK WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE LANNISTERS?! (Except Tyrion. I love him. Lots.) I've only finished the second episode, but Shawna's been telling me what's happened further on and just... Jeebus. Anyway, awesome show. I like the Dothraki, natch. Their leader dude looks like, nine fucking feet tall. (I googled and he's only six four, but damn. He is built.) And emo!bastard son is cute. And I fucking hate the little prick prince, whom I personally think is inbred as shit.

As awesome as the constantly fighting and fucking Dothraki are, and as badass as fucking Boromir's northern peeps are... nothing is more badass than the creepy White Walkers. THAT is the thing you wanna be, my friends. Nevermind the albino pretty people or whatever.

Anyway, fun show. I might borrow the books from Mangler, who has read em all. She was the first one to tell me about the show, and her exact words were, "you're a nerd too, you'll care! There's this awesome show, Game of Thrones, and it has fighting and swords, and dragons but they're not lame!"

Which is fairly accurate, really.

ghosts, teevee, tarot

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