
May 10, 2011 01:00

Today Shawna and I went to Urban Outfitters. This is a rarity - Urban Outfitters is a hipster store second only to American Apparel, and all the clothes are designed to fit extremely waifish people under the age of twenty-four. But we weren't there for clothes.

Shawna recently redecorated her room. She painted her Ikea dresser yellow, and bought a buttery yellow and white striped duvet cover. It's all very Rosemary's Baby in there now. We were looking for additional decor stuff online, and I ran across a beautiful faux-retro blue clock radio that doubled as mp3 player speakers. The only problem was that the only people who seemed to sell the bloody thing was American Apparel... last YEAR. No sign of them in the online store anymore, just dead links form blogs and such.

"Why don't we check the physical store downtown?" I asked the sibling unit. "It's Vancouver. There's a great chance the inventory lags behind."

So, we popped in this afternoon, and while there we no blue clock radio/mp3 speakers, there WERE some tan and red ones! For cheap! Shawna was happy.

Also sitting there was a Diana camera with an Alice in Wonderland theme. Complete with flash and flash gel colours. A whole little kit, basically. Marked down from $140 to $59.


My favourite camera of all time was a shitty old Polaroid that Shawna and I owned through our late teens to our early twenties. Polaroid pictures have a peculiar oldschool look to them that I have always adored beyond measure - I STILL have a box full of old snapshots we took with that damn thing. And these shitty plastic toy cameras - the Diana, the Holga - take pictures that are similarly soft in focus and spotty in quality. I could not resist. It had the flash! And colour thingies to go on the flash! And a booklet! AND ALICE IN FUCKING WONDERLAND.

It's my new favourite toy, and I am scanning the SHIT out of the photos once I develop them. <3


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