"The main element of your decorating scheme for Candlemas is fairly obvious: candles."

Feb 03, 2011 01:26

Happy Imbolc/Candlemas/Groundhog Day, LJ. Winter is on the way out, although as I understand it everyone on the east side of the continent is preparing for a blizzard. Meanwhile, today I was complaining that "it IS a bit chill!" and that my feet were a little cold since I was wearing flats with no socks.

(Aaaand that is why the rest of Canada hates Vancouver.)

Am mostly settled into the new home. I need a dresser. And bedding. I had actually bought some of the latter, but it turned out to be kinda useless, so I have to return it and find new stuff. Pity - it had Ye Olden People on it. At least I found fabric for drapes at Dressew during their big 50% off everything sale.

The dresser would be useful. Right now my clothes are piled in my closet and all my underthings are in a cardboard box. I could also use the additional flat-surface space. As of this second, while there is room for all my shit in here, I do not have an actual altar set up. Not such a big deal - I can move some stuff on the supply cabinet and have room for spellwork anyway, but it is kinda odd. I mean, I'm the girl who once had a whole wall of her living room as altar space. (...fuck but I was aggressively spooky.)

Still chugging through Witchcraft Medicine. I tend to read a few pages right before I go to sleep. Am still very much enjoying it. Speaking of, I should really head to bed soon...

But first! Slug kills teenager.

fortean, moving

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