Jul 08, 2007 08:17
You know how you get a picture in your head about how you'd want something to be if the world was really a fair place and then...it happens that way? That's how the 4th was for me this year. And, you must know that I like the 4th much more than Christmas. Much more. For one thing, it only happens ONCE each year, wherein Christmas celebrations seem to happen over, and over and over again each year in a nauseating fashion until you can't stand it any longer (but I do admit to loving my lights and tree, which are teeny tiny personal celebrations in and of themselves). Another thing is the people! Other holidays, you're "obligated" to spend with "family". The 4th, you get to pick, and if you're really lucky (like me), you get to spend the holiday with both family and friends that are family. AND you don't "have to" travel anywhere to celebrate-it's all whereever you are (well, especially in Manistee). Plus, the presents are really easy-sparklers-some for everyone. And a beer. The (OK, I admit, it's kinda lame, but that's part of the fun of the thing)parade, the cook-outs, the fireworks lying on a blanket on the beach with a loved one (or 2 or 12).
And the babies at the fireworks: "That's my favorite!" "That one's my favorite!" spoken after each burst. BTW, this idea of "celebrating with light" was conjured up by John Adams, back when our presidents still had intellect, so the thought's been around awhile.
PS And many thanks, love and hugs to the best parade marchers ever! (you know who you are) you make my world!