Apr 03, 2006 04:31
Salt lake city...it's small and a bit depressing from what I saw of it on Saturday, but then again I am used to seeing San Fransico and Sacramento. This past weekend was set aside for going to general conference but because of bad weather and a series of late night events the closest I got was Temple square durring the second session on Saturday. I am fully satisfied with that though. I've never been to Temple square before, and even in the rain and cold it was so beautiful. I got to walk through a few of the visitors centers and a few other shops downtown but most of the day was spent trying to find the only japanese import store in SLC. We went to where Kira thought it was and there was a sign saying it moved, we found where it had moved and there was a sign there saying it moved somewhere else. It was all very confusing but we did manage to find it after a few bus rides, long walks, and hours later. I found a really nice onigiri maker (okay so maybe I am cheating a bit, but I was never really good with my hands) and a few gifts for people who wern't able to come. I have to say that Kira's Grandma's house felt like a really well needed vacation. Her Grandma was so nice, she gave us these nice comforters to sleep on/ beds, food, and even had stuffed bunnies for each of us when we got there. I'm so spoiled ^^ this weekend has been so relaxing. Michelle (from 33) brought up the Kingdom Hearts 2 game as well, although we didn't get to play she went on and on about it so I'm pretty anxious to play it when I get back in the summer. Am I leaving anything out...Oh yea, Kira's cousins came up for dinner Sunday night. Her cousins range from 5-12 so it was a lot of fun playing with them. I never really thought of myself of being good with kids but when it was time for us all to leave the little 5 year old boy and the 6 year old girl clung on to my legs begging me not to go. It's probably just because the kids were so well behaved. Then again at the Kindergarden I volunteer at I get a bit of that too, it could just be that particualar age. I'll admit it, I like kids...I feel like such a girl. I suppose I should at least get an hour of sleep in though. I just finished Howl's moving castle (the book) which I just got on Saturday and I'm anxious to start the sequel (that's why I'm up so early). My goodness, am I turning into a book worm?