Sep 17, 2008 15:54
Omg I realised that I haven't touched lj for DAMN long, so even though I still have exams tomorrow and Thursday (MCQ, ugh) I shall type something really quick. Been having prelims for the past 2 weeks and so far I think Chem paper 3 was the absolute worst, although noone seems to agree with me because yea I suppose it was pretty doable, but somehow I think I froze up and didn't have enough time, so although I initially planned to do Q 2,3,4,5 (it's choose 4 out of 5 qns), I ended up doing 2,3,4 then realising "OHFUCK I HAVE NO TIME LEFT" and I took one look at Q5 and decided it was too long to read, so I just flipped to the front and scribbled some bullshit for Q1 even though I had no idea how to do half the question. AAJHKSJFPDGH;. D:
Have been eating like a crazy, starved pig, and not running at alllll. Like today we ate at Botak Jones (haha yes cool name) and their cajun chicken is just freaking filling, I felt completely stuffed after eating it. In fact, I can still feel it in my stomach /: Vic says it must've weighed at least 6kg, and I wouldn't be surprised if it did. Sihao's fish and chips were nice though, will order that next time. Omg I haven't posted for so long I dunno what to say anymore. Okay off to rewatch ANTM cycle 5 with cool lesbian Kim whose "I AM OUT" confession channel 5 probably cut out when they screened it. That's like probably the season that got snipped the most, lol. I can just imagine it down at the censorship board: "OMG OMG SHE SAID 'GAY'!!!!! CUT IT NOW CUT IT NOW! *BIG UPROAR*". Heh, and I am super amused by that article in some newspaper where the reporter claims that after they cut The Tudors, the sexiest scene in the pilot consisted of Jonathan Rhys Meyers eating a pomegranate, topless. I mean of course that's hot too, but seriously?