Prz to be clicking for Suju vids, and Jaechul!fanart :3
Super Junior trot - 로꾸거 (Rokkuguh)
WOMG IT'S SOOO CUUUUUUUUUTEEEE. ♥♥♥ Zainab showed it to me last night and I got all high and giggly at eleven pm and started shrieking like a madwoman at GIRL!HEECHUL AND PLAYA!EETEUK (♥!) WOMG THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER SOMEONE WRITE ME A HEETEUK FANFIC NOW PRETTY PRZ :3
And here's the live performance (ignore the fugly girls throwing themselves at Kangin):
It's got another Korean folksong called Chutcha too! And womg Eeteuk singing during Chutcha is just playa!looooovee. No wonder Heechul got in the car with him, so it wasn't just the way he ate teh bread after all. XDDD;; Heechul cut his hair! But he's still pwetty :3 And the way he shakes his hips at the beginning of the Rokkuguh perf, DEAR GOD I BET HALF THE WORLD WANTS TO SHAG HIM ALREADY. INCLUDING JAEJOONG, OF COURSE. Heechul is so cute and hot and pretty and lovable and charming and adorable and JUST PLAIN LOVELY.♥
Just look at him running at 02.47:
Oh, and as for what I said about Jaejoong wanting to shag him earlier, here is my proof:
In case that wasn't zoomed in enough, here's a closeup:
WOMG SHAKIRA, SORRIOUSLY JAE HAS NEVER, EVER LOOKED SO... MANLY IN HIS LIFE. And somehow manly!Jae isn't any less pretty (:♥
Oh, so thanks to all this, err, inspiration and of course to ZAINAB FOR LINKING ME ROKKUGUH XDD;; And Kirara for sending me the Jaechul!photo :DDD.... yes, what else'd come out of all this but good old-fashioned FANARTTTTT.♥ Drawn during math, once again. Actually, the main part (aka, the heads) were drawn last night right after seeing teh Jaechul!photo XDD; Yes, I'm easily high efficient. I drew the rest during math, and rushed over to the other room to scribble in the chair just now. (Cause it wouldn't look right if they were sitting on thin air, lawlz.)
(Prz to be clicking for full-size image :3) Man, I still don't know how to make it appear full-sized D:
....and yes, Heechul is sitting on Jae's lap. >DDDDDD Seme!Jae, for once?