Oct 29, 2009 16:07
N : going home together?
M : cant. meeting the bf ):
N: tell CM
M : hehe. im going to meet him later. he's sending private jet for me. you want follow? can see YH.
N : haha! im talking to him on the phone now. he's filming in Seoul. he sounds so happy!
even tho you berangan tak sudah, eventho you can be irritating when you laugh because you're scared, eventho you look like Ugly Betty, eventho you're gonna leave me one day for Korea, you have been my bestfriend of late. it feels like when we were 5 years old and we were each other's bestest companion, doing everything together. when we were younger, you treated me like a mentor. now, im really inspired by your dreams and inspirations. i hope you do well and achieve everything you dream of.
Ninaashii saranghe! (: