Apr 15, 2009 22:50
i think i've had enough of the cats loitering under my void deck. CANNNOOOOT STAND IT ANYMORE.
the other day, a very long time ago ah like 2 months or something, when i was going to the letterbox, a cat chased me for no fucking reason. so i ran the other way. luckily for me, it didnt bother to run far. in case you're wondering, its the same freaking cat that was in the video that fana took. during this time, there was a few cats wondering around and most of them are harmless except this one.
idk where all this cats come from but i know someone upstairs feeds them. until lately, i've tried avoiding them as much as i can when i see them like 50m away. (paranoid, i know) as most of you know, im staying on the first floor thus making this a chore to reach the front door since they're always loitering somewhere near the backyard area there and the 'owner' stays near the staircase. my area's like their playground you know.
every night we'd hear cats meowing very loudly and idk what other sounds they're making, chasing each other, fighting, whatever ah AND ITS SO DAMN ANNOYING. i think the cat that chased me is a bloody horny male cat because its always chasing the females and i saw them cuddling or whatever together one day OMG. no wonder it chased me but never my brothers!
so anyway a few days ago, this gila babi annoying nak mampos punya kucing has been outside my house making my front door area it's house!! i wanted to go out the other day and there it was, lying there macam raja!. i had to call my brother to shoo it away. then i came home and there it was again! i know lah my front place very comfortable got carpet but must you lie right in front of the door??!
the same thing happen just now and it wasnt just lying there, it was meowing. thank god my dad was at home if not i dont think i ever will get out of the house. my father cannot stop laughing and annoying me that the cat is the guardian of this house. guardian your head ah!
"kucing tu tak kasi kau kelua tu sebab hari-hari merayap tk abis-abis"
"siap kau kucing, malam nie kau tido, mampos kau aku bunuh kau"
"halau je la. kucing tu tengok kau pon dia takot kau dah lah besar gitu".
bapak aku kalau tk bidap tak puas. IRRITATING GILA ah serious im so paranoid or whatever you want to call me, i know i am but this is fear you know. you cannot understand how bloody geli it feels even when it's like 50cm away from me.
my brothers and father find this a joy to scare me. everywhere we go especially places to eat, they'll purposely stroke my leg. assholes! and they wont stop until i scream. bagus ah suka kan malu kan korang!
i cannot stand walking on tiptoes anymore because the sound of my anklets always make them look at me. i am embarassed enough ah eh ppl always look at me like im siao when i walk one whole big round just to reach my house, when i walk slowly keeping a look out for cats.
everytime i walk pass a cat i'd freeze up and run. there was one time when there was a series of murders involving cats in pasir ris? idk if you all remembered. my sickening bf blamed it on me and says it must be my doing. it wasnt mine but i want to shake the person's hand tho. HAHAH kidding im not so fucking cruel like that ahhh. everyday i will see the print out when i pass the notice board and wonder who the bloody idiot who's so cruel to do something like that.
( pls dont report me to the police ah k i swear i didnt do it altho i said i wanted to kill the cat outside my house. i dont have the guts to even come near it remember?)
i am sorry to cat lovers for saying all this. dont hate me for this.
I'm Ailurophobic, very much afraid of cats. what are you?