Aug 10, 2009 23:30
Well, that was fun. Things that I have learnt include:
The Dutchies are better drivers than the Belgians, who are better drivers than the Frenchies - and while the Germans are better drivers than all of them they choose to use their powers for evil.
We are blessed in the UK that we can get decent coffee pretty much everywhere now, even if it's £3 a pop on the M25 near Dover.
Bits of Germany spell really funny, especially around the plastics manufacturing heartland.
The white cliffs of Dover are actually quite impressive - reminding me of the Langoliers' work from land, and British WWII films from sea. They still don't make me think of England especially.
Heidelberg Castle is worth a visit, or maybe many visits, but the hill above it needs clear weather to be really worthwhile.
Europe has more bikers than the states, but still not as many as the UK.
The Brussels ring road is to be avoided during rush hour.
It'd be fun to ride down next summer.