For my fellow comic book reader Atilla...
Head shot of Scarlett Johansson. I've some pretty risque icons on LJ. And I think everyone here has seen some as well. I never saw the need to really have that kind of icon. I like head shot icons.
Icon of television character, Det. Kima Greggs. Female homicide detective working in a department full of men. I like the icon because it's one of the few good ones they have of her. She also said one of the best lines ever to two of her subordinate officers "You two are fighting the war on drugs, one brutality case at a time."
One of the icons I made myself. Image came from the Thermador canada website. Thermador is an a high end appliance company and they have stylish pictures like that. The line came from a conversation I had.... And the woman could be a grown up :)
Icon of Marlon Brando. I went looking for a good icon of him and this one was one that wasn't too stereotypical (ie. Godfather or Streetcar Named Desire icons). Man was quite handsome and very good at what he did.
Icon from Red Dwarf. If I'm not mistaken it is an icon from the very first episode. I love this icon. It's definitely one of my favourites. I love how the colour on the cat's jacket just pops. I love how perfectly tied Rimmer's tie is; and how confused Lister looks. I would explain what is happening but I'm afraid all of you who have never heard/seen the show would think I'm completely mad.
There will be no Pervy Friday this week for obvious reasons.
Oh do any female writers here want to help me add some know.....steamy stuff to my story? I need some assistance.
Good night all.
Oh right
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts. 'cmon, you know you want to!
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!