I have to first say that in hindsight this weeks edition of Pervy Friday probably didn't work out as well as I thought it would. I blame the fact that I have very little idea what the various women on my flist find attractive. At least when it comes to finding non specific celebrity pictures to fulfill those requirements.
So yeah, I'm sorry if anyone was disappointed by the pictures. :(
On the other hand Kerosinkanister, I too have to agree that those boots were simply fantastic. :D
I have decided to take one of my work in progress's (Second Chance) and change the rating to NC17. The reason being in the coming chapters I don't know if I will be able to keep things under the R rating. The Harry and Neville storyline is going to get more intense and I....being the shameful author of the infamous 'dragon ***t' phrase, may need to throw in a few choice phrases like that. I'm not however going to turn the story into something it isn't, so don't fear about it becoming a very adult type of story.
I don't think I will make the change to WTD, because I think it's almost done and I don't really need more leeway to write the story that I want.
Speaking of writing, I have finished chapter 21. I have self imposed a 20/21 page limit on each chapter. Otherwise I'm afraid my betas would send a hive of killer bees after me. Plus I think after reading 20 something pages, readers need a break. Also, I didn't want to rush and cut short the Ron/Hermione fireworks that I want to write. So in the long term I think it will work out. But it does suck that my teaser from the last chapter won't come true............yet.
Some silly pictures that I took screen caps of while I was watching tv today.
I think this speaks for itself.
I really like 'Wendy' from the Wendy's Logo. She's like the most adorable logo ever. :) :)
A bit over the top you think? I love over the top clowns like Lou Dobbs.
Okay this picture I just got off the web. I have to say as adorable and cute these two kittens are, they would be no match fo Lucky my cat when he was a kitten. He would totally own that window sill. Like it wouldn't even be a contest.
Good night all..