Do you want to know, know that it doesn't hurt me?

Feb 29, 2008 21:45

Kate Bush >>>> Other Female adult contemporary artists.

If only because she set down the groundwork that has been imitated over and over again.


I'm not even going to get into details about how upset I am that the NBA is going to sit by and watch as the new owners of the Seattle Supersonics (who used to be my favourite team until Toronto got a team) rip the heart out of their fans and move the team to Oklahoma City. 41 years in a city doesn't count for much anymore.

Bill Simmons on composed a 15,000 word article mostly made up of letters from fans of the Sonics today and it was on their website. "SAVE THE SONICS!"

One of the letters:

My grandmother watched Ray Allen and the 2005 squad completely dominate the Sacramento Kings during the playoffs on her deathbed, before she passed, one last thrill. You know how much that team meant to her? It's disturbing people from Oklahoma want to take that away. I remember my mom taking me to the airport to watch the Sonics arrive during the '96 Finals, which they lost, but it is a very happy memory. Kemp/Payton era will always remain an exciting sports moment for me as a child. Keep the Sonics in Seattle where they belong.

*tears up*



Here's Jessica Alba recreating famous scenes from horror movies for Vogue Magazine.

From "The Birds"

From "The Omen" (I think I'm not sure... Could be Rosemary's baby...)

I think everyone can guess this one...

From "Scream"...


Good night everyone... :)

real life, music, cheesecake, sports

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