Me a hater? Yes, yes I am. Poor sportsmanship doesn't pay kids. Karma is cruel mistress. Run up the score against other teams, play to embarrass your opponents and the football gods will take notice.
Yesterday's game was a great advertisement for the sport. The game was shown in the UK and a lot of guys (who are on the forum) stayed up till 3 in the morning watching. A lot of them barely know the rules of the game but they all enjoyed it.
From the shop. :D
So tomorrow is Super Tuesday. I've been looking forward to this day since the New Hampshire primaries. I'm going to put my thoughts on the nominations behind a cut because I don't think anyone needs to read that vitriol if they don't want to. [That's me nothing if not considerate. :) ]
Say you are at your job one day and your boss/manager comes to your desk and starts talking to you. Soon everyone else in the area comes and listens. The manager starts talking normally but then starts saying really strange things. Things like...
"I promise 36% more happiness at the office."
"This following here, I will take steps to make sure that no one will get a paper cut."
followed with...
"My goal is to ensure that everyone will enjoy lunch time. Every single day!
and he concludes with...
"I plan on making sure all my subordinates get as much sex as they want this coming year."
And then the manager walks away..
Now most people will sit there and say "What the fuck was that all about? That was the most crazy thing I've ever heard."
Such promises would seem laughable because realistically there is no way of them ever being fulfilled. Anyone who made such promises would be mocked and not taken seriously.
So why then do Politicians running for office get away with throwing some really, and I mean really absurd promises.
If I had five dollars for every time a politician said they "were going to fix healthcare in our nation", I would be flying first class to some exotic port of call tonight.
The same goes for 'promises' to 'get tough on crime', or 'fix our economy' or any of those stupid catch phrases which double as "issues".
I tried to watch the Democratic debate yesterday. (And what a great example of democracy that race has become.....). But i turned it off after a few minutes because it was so damn lame. Ever thirty seconds the crowd would whoop and holler when "their" candidate would say something.
What is this a pep rally or a debate?
Same thing goes for the Republicans. This sort of thing infects every party as well politics in Canada.
Politicians like to tell us they are about 'issues'. And that you should vote for the person who believes in the same 'issues' that you do. My goodness what a load of horse manure. I remember Michael Dukakis talking about pretty much the same damn 'issues' that they are blabbing on about today. And what exactly has changed so much since the last 1980's? People still have problems with healthcare. The economy is still something that cannot be controlled or predicted as the parties would like you to believe. And crime is still present.
Four years from now people will still be talking about 'fixing healthcare', 'protecting the environment', 'not giving in to special interest groups.'.
(I'm about to channel my inner Chris Rock..)
In four years the same clowns will stand up and say things "That I'm about doing the right thing and I'm about change and fixing this broken system."
To which I would reply if I could... No mutherfucker you're not about any of that, you just want the fucking job .
I maybe a cynic but I've been around long enough not to buy what any big time politician is selling. I would like to see some action before I believe you. And throwing around astronomical figures during debates doesn't help. These guys promise billions around like they just have them there, sitting, neatly folded and marked, in little white sacks that have dollar bills on them. It's all too much for me.
The Democratic nomination race has basically proven to me that big business, the media and all those damn pesky special interest groups have more say on who gets nominated than the people actually do. How else can you explain that only two candidates are left and the majority of states haven't even voted. Good grief.
One thing I've noticed is that not a lot of the candidates have any ideas whatsoever about what to do to help the economy. Yes, they have some ideas about the credit crises etc... but basically they have all been exposed by this mess as not really being in control of as much as they like to say they are. What is Hillary going to do with the joblessness numbers that come out every month? To really fix that problem will take years and years, not the two years they get before the mid term elections. What is Obama or Mccain going to do about $1000 gold bubble or the continuing surge in commodity prices? What can they do? Really.....not much.
Newspapers, tv stations, and politicians like to give us a ton of information every week about the economy. This gives us an impression that they know and have a good handle on everything. Yeah right. I listen to the news as I get ready in the morning and every day of the week practically "the fed" releases some stats from the past month. "Job Numbers", "Housing numbers", "Oil reserve numbers" etc..etc... and this is followed by a sound clip of some highly paid exec going "well this is going to have an effect on the markets and is s sign of a weakening/growing economy." It all sounds very nice and well but it's all really filler. Everyone is so obsessed and trying to micromanage the details they aren't looking at the bigger picture.
No politician will put their reputation on the line and make a strong and firm prediction about what will happen in the markets three weeks from now, but they expect us to believe their predictions for 4 years from now? Okay, that makes sense. The same thing goes for the war in Iraq (I was going to add Afghanistan but really that's the forgotten war isn't it?).
Vague promises and filler is the name of the game. "Being Inspirational" is more important than having a real plan. Making statements that can never be held up for inspection is that path to success it seems.
Anyways that's enough of this from me....
Now playing: The Who - Who Are You