Oh, this and that.

Dec 04, 2007 22:32

I finished writing chapter 20 of my story yesterday and now I have to re-read it before sending it off to my pre-beta. I'm hoping to have it up by the end of the year, but I don't know if A: That will happen or B: If it's worth rushing to get it up since I don't know how many people will read it anyways during the holiday rush.

But I am happy nonetheless to get it done. I have a pretty good idea what I'm going to do with my quote fic so I'll be able to work on that now.


Why Engineering students make the best cartoons:

From TMQ on espn.com

A cheerleader who has a degree in mathematics. I always though the notion of studying math at a postsecondary level was just crazy. People still keep doing it.

Sarah from Kansas City:

DiAnne from New Orleans who has a masters degree in molecular biology and is a medical student:


The University of Oregon has three courses in billiards.

Geez, and I thought "Philosophy of Love and Sex" was an easy course.


Good night all.


cheesecake, cartoons, second chance

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