I just remembered something. I dont even know what the name of the Oklahoma City basketball team is and I don't care. They aren't the sonics, they shouldn't be in O.C. It's wrong and evil and wrong and bah.
Shakes fist at the sky, David Stern, the NBA and all that is wrong int he world. Yes, I actually did shake my fist now, it wasn't just a figure of speech.
I wish I could find the video for it but I can't.....There is a commercial airing on television here in Canada now. It's done by the Veteran's association or the cbc or someone. It is shot in first person pov and shows a soldier running out of his trench during ww1 or 2 and across no mans land. Bombs are exploding everywhere, bullets are whizzing by....there is an explosion and he falls down. He starts to panic and can't find his gun anywhere, the camera is all shakey and he finally finds his gun picks it up and keeps running into what sounds like machine gun fire. The the screen goes black and the message about Remembrance day comes on. It's a really good commercial and touching one.
Do you guys wear Poppies in America for Remembrance Day/Veterans Day like we do in Canada or is a commonwealth thing?
Some funny lines from a certain magazines election night blog:
* 9:37: I hadn't quite realised what "the youth vote" meant until CNN showed the crowd in Grant Park. Suddenly my arthritis is acting up.
* 10:05: James Carville looks like Skeletor on botox. And maybe some cheek implants.
* 9:22: You know, it may be several hours and a good few drinks too early for this, but David Gergen's combover resembles, to me, a perfectly made and rather elegant potato chip, of the classic Utz/Wise variety. Thoughts?
* 8:53: Those of you watching on PBS are missing deep questions, like when Chris Matthews just asked David Axelrod how they unified college-educated voters and African Americans, "not that they're mutually exclusive".
*8:59: Alabama goes for Mr McCain. Roll tide. (This made me laugh because I had no idea writers at this magazine would know that saying.)
*10:23: Steve Forbes is on Comedy Central with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. It's almost unbelievable that this man ran for president and won voters outside of his immediate family. He has slightly more charisma than his coffee mug. Sometimes.
And finally:
8:30: David Axelrod's mustache is too awesome. Not only does he look like a drowned rat, he looks like a drowned rat with a drowned rat above his lip.
I started writing something non fandom related. I only wrote 3 pages so who knows if I will continue or not. But like most stories I seem to prefer to write it in my head than actually put finger to keyboard. It's goign to be about a middle aged man who along with his friend and his friend's wife decide to drive across the continent so that they can go to mexico. The reason they want to go to Mexico is because frankly they feel that it's a lie to say you've been to Mexico when all you ever did was go to Cancun on spring break decades ago. Suffice to say there will (god willing) be a lot more to the story than that.
What is the real motivation to go?
What type of work does the main character have that eats away at him?
Is there a love triangle?
What did the main two characters do all those years ago, that they don't talk about anymore?
Is it socially acceptable to have sex in a motel room with paper thin walls while your best friend is in the other room?
Are you expected to tip more than usual because the waitress in the diner saw the high end car that you drove up in?
Questions questions.....
Let's see if I can actually write this.