
Sep 13, 2008 11:34

I wrote my exam today morning and it went as well as I expected. I skipped two questions but everything else went good. So that's good. Sweet! Now nothing to worry abut except vacation stuff.

Going to do the meme from Gingerald and then watch the Liverpool (yay) vs. ManU(re) (booo!) game that I recorded earlier.

It's amazing what you start thinking about during exams. I had checked LJ before I left and read WillowWand's post about what books she studied in High School English and I started to think about what I did. I know I should have been concentrating on the exam, but my mind started to drift and I started trying to recollect all the books we had to read in English. So here is as good a list as I could think of. We usually did one Shakespeare play and one other book.

Romeo and Juliet, Lord of the Flies (grade 9).
Macbeth, ?(Grade 10)
Midsummer's night dream, The chocolate wars (Grade 11?)
Alls well that ends well (?) or was it Julius Caesar (!?!), Great Gatsby. (Grade 12)
Hamlet, Oedipus Rex (OAC*)

*OAC courses is what they used to have in Ontario. If you wanted to study in University you had to take 6 of them, depending on which program you wanted to get in. OAC English was a necessity for all programs.

I can't remember what else I did, if anything else. Hamelet and Oedipus Rex were probably my favourite two plays. Too bad the teacher was a complete sexist, bitter, man hating bitch....but oh well that was 10 years ago I really need to let it go. Ha.


1. is the person in your life that has inspired you the most? -If I had to pick someone, it would probably be my dad because of his ability to adapt, survive and thrive in so many different situations, places, jobs, countries etc..etc..

2. makes you smile? My friends. I never go out with them and not laugh at least once. they always pick me up no matter what.

3. do you usually turn to when you have a problem?If it is a problem that requires advice, I usually turn to my friends, or the forum that I contribute to. Because I know I will get unbiased advice. If it is something my parents know about I will turn to them. If it is a fandom issue I can always count on Red for help no matter how whiney I am. ;)


1. is your favorite comfort food? - Goan sauasage (a incarnation of chorizo) and pilau rice

2. is your most cherished childhood memory? Playing at my grandparent's house in Goa. And on the beach.

3. do you think is your best physical asset? Well it's not my smile for sure. Um, probably my hair. Ugh, what a dumb choice but I can't think of anything else.


1. did you first fall in love? 17

2. did you last watch a movie? Wednesday night at the film festival.

3. was your last trip to the spa/salon? Can't say I ever been to one. Was considering going to one in Vegas, but common sense prevailed.


1. would you want to retire? I would like to spend the winter in the south of France, and summers here in Toronto. Unless the weather is going to be crap like it was this year...

2. would you never want to go (back to)?The Democratic Republic of Congo has very nice people, but not nearly enough doctors and roads for a country the size of Western Europe.

3. sounds like the best vacation destination? Singapore for the night time grand prix! woo!


1. would you vote for the ticket you are voting for? Cause voting for the Green party is the only decision that won't make me want to light myself on fire at the ballot box.

2. is ____ your favorite HP character? Harry, no question. Because he had such a hard life and never let it affect him. He could have ditched Ron for more 'cool' friends, he could have ditched his school work in order to get by on reputation alone but he didn't do either. He and Ron are by far my two favourite characters because they are so great together.

3. do you think standards of beauty differ so much from reality? This question makes me think. I really don't think there is a "Standard of beauty" anymore. Really, I don't. What is the standard? The girls on the magazines? Which magazines? Cause you sure see some voluptuous women on some music and more urban centric magazines. In some countries is there a bias towards fairer skinned people? Yup, so perhaps that is a 'standard' but I really think society is moving away from the idea that you have to be rail thin to be 'beautiful'. The fact is I don't think runway models have a lot of impact on what people think anymore. And to be honest I don't think they ever did. I didn't know a single person in high school who lusted after Kate Moss. People are what they are. We are all genetically predisposed to liking certain things, but you only have to turn on a tv, or better yet go to a mall to see many couples together in all shapes and sizes.


1. was your first kiss? Forgetful.

2. would you spend USD 5m you won from the lottery? Buy a house, help my family and close friends, get settled, hire a private wealth manager from my company to help invest my money, quit my job and study, start a scholarship fund for kids in my neighbourhood, and after many years, and once my initial winnings have doubled approach my alma matter to see if we can do something like UofT is doing with building a supercomputer. Basically something to get the school's name out there.

3. did you get into fandom? After reading HBP, I wanted to read more about the two main ships and I found fan fiction which was a bit much for me at the time. But I read and some of it was bad (ie, Harry and and Lavender, oh come on, anything for some hot bedroom action eh?) and then I read a few stories that really made me happy and enthusiastic about the fanfiction aspect (ie. The Muggle Cinnamon- which was just wonderful). Auds, convinced me to get on LJ, and after some trepidation I did.

a list, real life, school, books, hp

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