Part 3- Story for QueenB and Msmoocow

Aug 28, 2008 20:42

Same warning as before. Unbeta'd as per usual. :)

Harry rushed through the common room without stopping to look around. He was up the stairs to the dorms before anyone even noticed he had come in. All he had on his mind was getting out of these sweaty clothes and under a warm shower. There had been talk abut the boys playing the girls in a game, so it was with some surprise that he saw Dean in the room, dribbling a football with his feet.

“Dean? How come you are up here?”

“Eh,” Dean shrugged. “I don’t feel like playing really.”

Harry didn’t wait to discuss anymore, he grabbed his towel and his pyjamas and headed into the bathroom without a second word.

Later, as he towelled himself he heard Dean cast a few spells. Those were familiar sounding spells. He stuck his head out the door and his hunch was confirmed.

Dean had cast a protective charm against one of the bedroom walls. He was now able to hammer the ball as hard as he wanted to without damaging it or causing a racket that would get prefects on his case.

It didn’t take long for Harry to realise that something was bothering Dean.

But he knew better than to demand to know what was up. So instead he slowly made his way back to the room and watched in interest as Dean did that thing that no other boy in Hogwarts could do so well.

He could kick the snot out of a football.

Harry put his dirty clothes away and sat down on his bed.

“Aren’t you going to go down?” Dean asked finally as he stopped the ball as it rebounded back off the wall.

“I’m beat; I’m ready to go to bed.”

“Aight, I’ll head out then.”

“There’s no need,” Harry shrugged as he reclined on the bed. “You can keep doing what you are….”

Dean laughed as he flipped the ball up and trapped it between his neck and shoulder. “Yeah didn’t expect to see this did you?”

“I know by now something is bothering you when you I see you like this.”

Dean let the ball drop and he kicked it under his bed.

“We’ve have had our problems right Harry.”

Harry paused and looked away. “Um…”

Harry and Ginny had just become a couple a few weeks ago.

“But we’ve moved on right?”

“Moved on?”

“I’m not upset at you anymore, and I hope you aren’t upset with me.”

Harry nodded. “Nah mate, we’re cool with each other.”

“So why does everyone think I’m a prick?” asked Dean as he put his hands on his hips.

“Aww, you can’t take what Seamus and Neville say seriously.”

Dean walked back to his bed and sat down. “It’s not just them. Ron thinks I am, and the girls, you should have seen them. Everyone thinks I’m an arse.”

Harry knew this feeling all to well. Having everyone think you are a jerk, egoistical and hot tempered is never a good feeling.

“I don’t really care what you guys think,” said Dean.

”Well thanks a lot.”

”You know what I mean,” replied Dean with a wave of the hand.

“Yeah, yeah.”

“But it annoys the fuck out of me when Lavender and Hermione are thinking that I’m a horrible guy. What the fuck did I do to them?”

“You’re,” Harry paused and took a breath. “You’re different.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“Think about it, what do you have in common with Lavender besides being in Gryffindor?”

Dean paused and thought and finally said, “I kissed Ron.”

Harry dramatically gagged. “Yeah, well haven’t we all at one horrible point in our lives?”

“But it’s like ever since I broke up with Ginny, all of them have started treating me differently.”

Harry shrugged and took off his glasses.

“You know what? Hermione is Hermione. She’s got this Ron thing going on, and she’s spends the rest of the time worrying about me and schoolwork. I don’t think she has time to really care about the rest of you guys.”

“That’s a bit uncalled for eh?”

“Nah, I don’t mean it like that. I mean she can only focus on so many things. She means well but,” Harry turned on his side. “But you know and I know, Hermione isn’t the best with interperson stuff.”


“Yeah, that stuff.”

“Well, we aren’t geniuses either right?”

“So what’s happening downstairs?”

Dean grinned. “Guess what? There are a bunch of seventh year Hufflepuffs who are quite angry right now?”

Harry sat up looking interested. “What happened?”

Dean chuckled, “Neville pulled some strings to get some food and drink to the common room.”


“Well so did those Hufflepuffs, except the orders got mixed up.”

Harry raised an eyebrow? “And…”

“Any moment now,” Dean said with a smirk. “Those boys and girls of Gryffindor will be…”

Harry was waiting on Dean’s every word.

Dean mouthed the word drunk.

Harry’s shocked expression was enough to make Dean burst out laughing.


Meanwhile downstairs, Hermione wasn’t laughing as loudly as the others.

“Here’s my impersonation of a posh girl in bed,” announced Seamus sitting up.

Parvati and Lavender covered their mouths as they laughed. Ron just covered his face in embarrassment because he had heard this before and had given it a lot of thought about how true it would be.

“I’m not posh!” Hermione objected strongly.

“Sure you aren’t,” countered Parvati. “We’ve seen pictures.”

Hermione was blushing extensively and leaned back and folded her arms in resignation.

The others egged Seamus on “Go on Seamus, go on.”

Seamus took a breath , leaned back and spread his legs a bit....

“Oh….ohhhhh…..Oh my……Oh Crikey……..oh heavens………Ohhhhhhh……My dear……..Oh……that’s smashing………crikey.”

“Oh Merlin! That is Hermione totally!”

“Fuck you Parvati. Fuck you!”

“Hermione come on…”

“Fuck you Seamus. I’m not posh. And I would not behave like that in bed.”

Neville was doubled over in laughter at this point. That was just about the most outrageous thing he had ever heard Hermione say.

“Ron! Aren’t you going to say something?” demanded Hermione.

Ron, who hadn’t laughed as loud, didn’t know what to say.

“Come on Hermione,” said Lavender with a smirk. “You should know by now Ron doesn’t rush to the defence of his girlfriends.”

Hermione had no choice but to crack a smile at that comment, which was the most understated reaction of the bunch. Neville was on the floor at this point.

Ron waited for the laughter to die down before replying. “Lavender, I really never did like your big mouth.”

Lavender snapped back immediately, “You liked my chest though.”

Ron covered his forehead and closed his eyes.

Lavender and Hermione high-fived each other and giggled.

Tears of laughter were running down Neville’s cheeks. Ron noticed this.

“Well if we are going to laugh at things I like, I got some news about Neville.”

It was a desperate and somewhat pathetic measure, but these was a desperate time that called for such actions. Lavender and Hermione were teasing him.

Neville sat up and looked across at Ron and started saying something.

Don’t you dare!

Parvati knew what was coming, so did the other girls.

Alas, Ron never got to spill the worst kept secret in Gryffindor, because at that moment something really bizarre happened.

The lights went out.

End of Part 3

msmoocow, queenb23

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