I think that bunsen burner matches your purse quite well.

Jul 30, 2008 21:10

There was a column in the paper today about female students and mathematics and science subjects. I wish I could tell what the exact point of it was, but I couldn't really. Basically nothing that we didn't know before. That is, girls are more than smart enough to do those subjects but for some reason they don't.

Oh wait, the writer concluded by saying that math and science were antisocial sort of fields to get into and as a result just didn't appeal to girls as much.

Keep in note the author is a woman and the paper's resident 'women's issue writer'.

Good grief.

So let's just continue to purportrate stupid stereotypes why don't we.

All Math students are geeks and nerds.
Same with Science students.
All the cool kids take the liberal arts and major in PhysEd.

F sake, are we in 2008 or 1958???

Yes Engineering culture at universities and colleges are very male oriented but heck what do you expect when like 95% are male. (As if Early Childhood education or nursing programs don't have very strong female cultures).

I find it at best misguided, and the worst downright ridiculous that anyone could still believe that math and science are subjects that one shouldn't get into just because they are a female.

All the guys I knew who studied engineering and accounting were as sociable as anyone I met. In fact they were more of the 'party animal' type than I am. Ryerson Engineering students take a great deal of pride in how much beer they can consume during a semester and still pass all their courses, ha.

The fact of the matter is I don't know any of them who are A. Unemployed now. B. Doing dead end jobs. C. Living at home still. D. Unhappy with their careers.

If I ever have a daughter, I would tell her, she can study what she wants in University, but she is going to do all the math and science courses in high school first. Math and Science teach problem solving skills that are helpful in any field whatsoever. That's why all these investment banks hire science graduates who wouldn't have a clue what a balance sheet was or what a debit or credit was. They know that these people have excellent problem solving skills, work well under intense pressure and are used to having to find new ways to solve problems.

Malcom Gladwell said that one thing that is holding us (at least Canada) back from keeping pace with the rest of the world is that we need more graduates in these fields. It's not to say that no one should study liberal arts courses or do a more technical degree like the one I did, it's just that declining #'s in the sciences/engineering disciplines is simply not a good thing.

So yes, young lady you are smart enough, talented enough and hard working enough to study Science or Math or Engineering.

And no, boys won't think less of you if you study those subjects in high school. Trust me on this one. I used to be a young teenager. Hormones are hormones, I couldn't have cared less how high her GPA was. ;)


So what's this about a HP trailer?

edit to add:

Young Tom Riddle =

Young Albus D =

Ginny! =

Good trailer all things considered. I'm excited to see this movie now.

I picked up a copy of Something wicked this way comes today at the used book store near where I work. It's a short book so even a slow poke like me should be able to keep up with the group.

gender, human stupidity, school, books, hp, movie

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