More stuffs to which I SQUEE over

Apr 12, 2010 12:29

W00T! the stickers, they came :3 I iz a happy creechling. I'd been looking for them for awhile now. Though I would like to get the corresponding magazine as well. That photo shoot is my second favorite, next to the Cyan set. And my ZY specials will both ship out on the 29th, so I'm super excited about that too XD I'm still debating as to whether or not I want to get the Gianizm Special box set, but the dates been postponed so I have a bit more time to consider it.

I am enrolling into a bartending "school". It's a week long program, 8hrs a day and they'll teach me the ways of the alcohol server. I figured since I'm moving back up to Anchorage that this knowledge just might come in handy.

jrock: nightmare, fangasms, squee, random

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