Apr 07, 2008 23:24
How devestating that I felt really good about the NET test at GCU, and last night I had this memorable dream that I was talking to my advisor on the phone and she let me know that I passed the test, and I still remember how well that felt. And then I got the mail today, only to find that I recieved worse on my NET test that Friday then when taking it just a week earlier!!!!
My life feels like I'm sinking so low. It was strike one at MCC and I missed my chance, and then I am at ASU but it's so far out of reach since I'm borderline on probation so blah competition of grades and not a real strike but just a lot of time, and then strike two at GCU and I missed my chance again for another semester which means it's gone!!!!
There were lots of factors that could have been why I didn't do well, but there's always something. And I am excellent in school with papers and essay questons. And random thought: my stomach always hurts right in the center especially when I don't have food in me! But I still gave up coffee and alcohol and no vertigo!
My plans are gone, and now just lost! But I have a whole lot of guy friends lately! But still so sad, because they don't answer why things don't work out, and if anything, they get me questioning my life goals all together, and how not smart in so many ways can I be even though I'm smart in other ways.
Good news: The place in New York is sold!
Back to that place again of I don't know.