Dec 14, 2009 12:55
Well here we are finally gogt the courage up to do it, this lj will be ending as of today and new one starting.
I guess the last few years have not been kind to me or my family. I mean it's not exactly been a laugh a miniute and all. Anyways that's that I guess, you can't undo history only change what lays ahead.
So here we are an end to what was, I don't think I regreat anything in this LJ, it's the truth and bare faced truth. Some might not like it but as someone once said: you can't please everyone.
To explain the post before this, I've been rather down of late mostly because of X-mass coming and such. It's not a good time for me anymore I'm not going to say I hate it, but the sooner it's over the better if you ask me.
I mean the last few years have not been good, an uncle, family friend, my dad, my aunt, all in months of each other.
So all in all it's been an unpleasent set of circumstances if you ask me, X-mass just reminds me off all the family members we've lost it's not a lot of fun.
To thine own self be true William Shakespeare said this. I guess I have to wake up to my true self, some might not like it and I really don't care anymore.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" - Dr. Seuss
I guess I need to be who I am, I can't say I've done much that would be considered 'male' lets face it I hated everything and still do things that most 'males' like to do, fighting, sports and such shit.
*laughs* I was much happier with a doll or a book :P
As I have said before in myself I'm more female than male. I have to admit that to myself from the start and go from there. Whatever life holds I hope the weight isn't to hard to handle.
I can only hope the friends that have linked me will do the same for my new LJ, you can find it at: