May 31, 2010 03:06

Fuck, where have I been?

The answer is unanswerable, but has something to do with pi.

At anyrate, this is a quick broadcast to throw out some dirt from my stilted brainmeats:Has there been a science-fiction television series that offered up a more satisfying (in terms of character AND story) series finalé than Star Trek: The Next Generation?
My thinking is this: most sci-fi shows have had either accidental (Firefly, though "Objects In Space" is by far my favorite episode), or rushed (Stargate: Atlantis which had a story which would make an epic three-parter, but got condensed into 44 minutes), or lackluster (Battlestar Galactica, I'm not even pretending that I'm not looking...right. At. YOU.)

TNG seemed to take a meandering, episodic, whatever-topic-the-writers-can-think-of format and make something resonate out of it.

Am I a right nutter in thinking this, or do sci-fi finalé's drop the ball?
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