sassette726: Really my problem is I'm terrified of dying, and the world ending means everyone dies.
maltlick: Yeah, but if you're dead...more than likely you won't care
Sassette726: Maybe.
Maltlick: You'll be in Heaven with your loved ones
Sassette726: Remember, I'm Catholic.
Maltlick: Or in Hell, where I can't hear you complain.
So, a few thoughts on the impending end of the world.
First off, I'm referring to it was "Mayan Savings Time." "Don't forget, set your calendar to zero!"
Secondly, if the world DOES end this way, I'll be pissed. "Hey God, why did you just end the world?"
"Well...this thousand year old calendar kind of stopped."
"That...that's it?"
"What did you expect?"
"The world ending because all the dairy products in existence expiring on the same day would be a more valid reason."
But fear not, for there are a few points to ponder!
ONE! That this is the end of the 13th Mayan century. Their writing talks about at least 20.
TWO!! Living to see the great stone odometer roll over* was cause for EPIC celebration. Like New Year's Eve, except the last time it happened you weren't alive so MAN, THIS IS THE ONLY New Year party you're ever going to have! ROCK!
THREE!!! Roland Emmerich needs to just stop, because "disaster porn because of date" is fucking stretching as a plot for a movie.
FOUR!V Maltlick: Also, their calendars go back TRILLIONS of years. Which is longer than the universe was around.
Maltlick: The worst you can say is that they're Scientologists.
Maltlick: ...
Maltlick: With more plausible stories.
Jabberwock77: Longer than the universe as we know it was around.
Jabberwock77: After all, we're just one functioning Hadron collider away from Big Bang 2: Electron** Boogaloo
FIVEV The Aztec calendar (or, one of them, at least) ends in 2027.
* As archaeologist Lisa Lucero of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign said: "I tell my students it is similar to an odometer. After it hits 100,000 miles, it starts again - but there is no new car, nor does the car self-destruct."
** Edit: changed from "Eletric" in the original conversation. It's my job to make my friends sound funnier.