Second Chance Idol - Topic 2 - Look Out

Jun 03, 2013 18:48

There comes a time when the home you return to is not the home you left. Or maybe it is, and that's exactly the trouble. While you move on and build yourself and your life outside of your family bubble, you return periodically to touch base, to visit, to reconnect with what you see as "home."

At first, it's still the same, and you fit back in just like you always did. The habits are the same and your place in the home is still there and familiar. Your family keeps on going down the same path that it always has, while you start taking steps down your own path.

Gradually, your place doesn't fit so well anymore. You've been out in the world growing and changing, molding yourself into the person you hope to become and being shaped by the circumstances you become a part of. The groove you had left back home no longer fits the person that you've matured into. It hurts to try to mash your new bigger Self back into the same space you left behind when you come to visit.

And then one day you realize that the home you left is not home anymore. It's your family's home, or your childhood home, but it's not your home. You live in your home and have established yourself as an autonomous entity.

Most of us never see it coming, and until it happens I don't think most of us are mature enough to quite know to be expecting it. Some of us were warned by others who saw it coming, but few take heed. Those of us who've reached this point in life, you are nodding your heads, perhaps smiling a bit sadly or triumphantly. We all react to this reality differently. Those of us who have yet to reach this point, you don't get it yet, but you will. Savor your time in your cocoon of family and childhood. This moment of realization will come upon you either way, so don't bother keeping watch.

second chance idol, look out, lj idol, topic 2

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