May 01, 2012 14:24
Update... yeah, I've been meaning to do one for ages, but I just never seem to find time and will at the same time. Right now I'm stealing study time between exams to start this, but will probably finish later. Today is exam day for me. All of my projects are due and all of my finals are today, and then by 3:30 or so, I'll be free from coursework for the summer holiday. "Holiday." Like I really get one? It just means I have two more days a week to put in a full day's work.
I guess I've been a bit overwhelmed lately. Between working 40-60 hrs a week (I've cut back the last couple months) and doing school full time and also trying to be a bit social and enjoy meals with friends and my book clubs, I've been worn thin. I have no idea how I will handle 15 credit hours in the fall, but I'll have to do it to graduate next May.
There's much more to say, but I guess it will have to be later, since I have to run off to take my last final of the semester!