Mar 29, 2005 19:46
Man what i would give to be like kratos. This guy is so pissed off at everyone that killing normal humans is not good enough anymore. He has to go out and kill the freaking God of War. Ares has got to be shitting his titan pants. Well he would be if it wasnt for the fact that hes a fucking TITAN. Well let me summerize what i think of this game and i think in the words of Gabe "SHIT HOT". I havent had this much fun in a game, well i guess it hasnt been too long cuz the last one was resident evil 4. but thats totally different, you didnt have 2 swords ala whip style, adn a whole bunch of special "fatalities" for almost every monster in the game. Including bosses. I mean when im facing a the last giant head of a hydra i want to fling my whip swords into its face and then pull it down on a ship mast. That would be awsome.
For those of you out of the loop. Halo 2 party at louis's house on friday. Im not sure if we will be bringing any alcohol but i dont see any problem with anybody else bringing some. You all should be there cuz it will be a lot of fun. We will play system link and on x box live so we wont always be playing on different teams. Oh its going to be fun.
Finally someone tells me about a jonah concert. I was getting annoyed abot people lacking in the communication department.
work has also been very stressfull with the whole inventory thing less than 2 weeks away. thsi sucks the dongmobile. Yeah thats right i said and what the fuck are you going to do about it. BITCH!