Well its been quite a while since ive posted here. As a matter of fact i think this is the first post from the new house. Exciting. Thrilling. Gramishering. Yeah you heard me. Anyway, fun times last night with cat, sabrina, my bro andrew, courtney, brandon, kellin, jacq, and lynnette. Fucking gratitude man. oh and we finally met haily, or hailey, or hailie however he spells it. i got a lot of cool pictures last night and i will post my favorites here. I know there are a few of you who want me to email you some of the full size mondo pictures of your cool selves. Send me your email addy at either malprophet2210 on aim or tiduswakka22|at|hotmail|dot|com.
Then right after the jonah concert, i went and played poker and schooled lisa, louis, rylie, josh, and jack (not jacq). and i almost got a royal flush twice. and one of those times the card was in another players hand. ugh. so fucking close.
E3 is also next week, im so fucking pumped. I think from yesterday until next friday it will have to be the best week of my entire life. so many things are looking up and im just fucking happy. well anyway here are the pictures