Aug 22, 2004 18:15
Subway loved me and hired me, so I have a new job. I pick up my schedule and uniform tomorrow. I am now a sandwich artist. Hoorah.
I'm sort of a hobo. I like that I can sort of call myself a hobo at the moment. It's not so bad. Although, if today turns into a hot night, it won't be the best ever. Sleeping outside is much better on a cold night than a hot one.
My car is falling apart. I'll have a new one by 2005.
I'm also looking for an apartment. Hopefully to room with Ev. Possibly Chris, though I'm not sure he can wait too long for me to save up the money. Haven't talked to him lately.
Tim is officially a college boy today. We moved him into college this afternoon (me, him and his mom) and he went to his first cross country meeting and I'm certain it's unbearably exciting and relieving for him. It was a good day.
I can't wait for my first paycheck from Subway. And, not to get at all ahead of myself, I also can't wait for my first day of working there, of course.
The three hour training video I had to watch in the crowded backroom of Subway on Saturday was NOT exciting or lovely. It was cheesy and painful and exasperating. And choc full of lessons about common sense that no one with any ounce of common sense would need.
I love Ludlow, MA.
Still love Tim, yeup.
The Bristol, CT schoolyear starts the 30th, so I can continue my dealings with the inept guidance office, in hopes of finally getting the papers that will get me my GED test results. Hears hoping. Then I can actually go on to GASP college.
::rolls eyes::
The guidance office at my old high school has the combined IQ of 70, so I'm not holding my breath quite yet.
And yadda yadda yadda. I'm happy, all things considered.