[10:05:10 AM] Cupcake: I really wish my sister would answer her cell.
I wanna tell her and Allie SO bad
[10:05:19 AM] Tim: lol
[10:05:47 AM] Tim: you can keep telling me
[10:06:23 AM] Cupcake: I'm going out with you. I'm gonna see you on
Thursday. I'm still floating.
[10:06:24 AM] Cupcake: :)
[10:06:52 AM] Tim: oh my god!!! i'm going out with you, too!!!
[10:07:02 AM] Cupcake: :-O What are the odds?!
[10:07:10 AM] Tim: we're, like, going out with...each other!
[01:13:03 PM] Tim: i'm listening to Stunt right now
[01:13:08 PM] Cupcake: Mmm. Good album.
[01:13:16 PM] Cupcake: But, what BNL album isn't.
[01:13:32 PM] Cupcake: I have Maroon in my pile o' cds to listen to at
work today
[01:13:37 PM] Tim: Light Up My Room and Some Fantastic, specifically
[01:13:51 PM] Cupcake: Light Up My Room was the song I was just trying
to think of
[01:13:54 PM] Cupcake: I had the first line in my head
[01:14:01 PM] Cupcake: Hydrofield cuts through my neighborhood
[01:14:03 PM] Cupcake: I LOVE that song.
[01:14:08 PM] Tim: me too :)
[01:14:39 PM] Cupcake: At this point, I feel cautious about agreeing
with you on things. Like I do it too often and you're
gonna start to think I'm just doing it to agree with
[01:14:42 PM] Cupcake: This is how my brain works.
[01:14:47 PM] Cupcake: Or .. doesn't work.
[01:15:00 PM] Tim: well, it doesn't surprise me anymore
[01:15:01 PM] Tim: we share a lot
[01:16:03 PM] Cupcake: Indeed. I was doing some stupid email "quiz" my
aunt sent me and I thought it was funny.
[01:16:09 PM] Cupcake: One part, you were supposed to name one person
in your life
[01:16:18 PM] Cupcake: for each color listed
[01:16:23 PM] Cupcake: I put you down as white
[01:16:37 PM] Cupcake: And the interpretation ended up being "My twin
[01:16:38 PM] Cupcake: Heh.
[01:16:51 PM] Tim: lol
[01:16:57 PM] Cupcake: Those things are crap, but it still made me
stop for a second.
[11:50:04 AM] Tim: i'm trying to convince myself to have lunch
[11:50:20 AM] Cupcake: what are your options?
[11:50:27 AM] Tim: i haven't checked yet
[11:50:34 AM] Tim: i have a cat on my lap and my feet are up
[11:51:37 AM] Cupcake: sounds really cozy
[11:51:44 AM] Cupcake: I'm jealous
[11:52:07 AM] Tim: this cat is obsessed with licking my arm
[11:52:17 AM] Tim: i think it's clean, but that cat makes me unsure of
[11:52:52 AM] Cupcake: it just tastes really good, I bet
[11:53:03 AM] Cupcake: I'm jealous
[11:53:05 AM] Tim: lol
[11:54:37 AM] Cupcake: it's my coworker, Dave's birthday today
[11:54:53 AM] Cupcake: the secretary is going out to buy some stuff
and we're going to surprise him with cake and a card
[11:54:56 AM] Tim: tell him your husband wishes him a happy birthday
[11:55:21 AM] Cupcake: I have to, now.
[11:55:24 AM] Tim: lol
[11:55:26 AM] Cupcake: and then I won't explain anything
[11:55:31 AM] Cupcake: completely straight face
[11:55:36 AM] Tim: nice!
[11:56:00 AM] Tim: but how long can you keep the straight face?
[11:56:30 AM] Cupcake: ... Hm. That will present a problem.
[11:56:39 AM] Cupcake: I think it's up to negative 2 seoncds right
[11:56:44 AM] Tim: lol!
[12:15:13 PM] Tim: david offered to cook lunch, so maybe i will
meander over there
[12:15:18 PM] Cupcake: I hope you convince yourself to eat some lunch
[12:15:19 PM] Cupcake: Yes!
[12:15:21 PM] Cupcake: heh.
[12:15:22 PM] Tim: stop that!
[12:15:24 PM] Tim: lol
[12:15:26 PM] Cupcake: I love it!
[12:15:28 PM] Tim: amazing
[11:14:36 AM] Tim: heh...jesse spread the fact that i have a
girlfriend all around the school
[11:14:57 AM] Tim: apparently all of my teachers and my coach know
[11:15:28 AM] Tim: YankeeNutIGN: is it that surprising?
irunalot702: not really..just were happy for you...and
seems to have a cheery ring to it when i good guy finds
a good girl
[11:15:55 AM] Cupcake: aww, that's cool. :)
[11:16:01 AM] Cupcake: I feel all special.
[11:16:23 AM] Cupcake: Cause everyone's probably thinking I'm this
awesome person, cause you deigned to ask me out. :-D
[11:16:44 AM] Cupcake: I wish I had more chances to use the word
[11:16:48 AM] Tim: they all know it takes a lot of willpower and
reason for me to ask someone out
[11:16:57 AM] Tim: so when it happens, the person i asked HAS to be
[11:17:51 AM] Cupcake: All of sudden I feel like I have to live up
this. :-p Makes no sense, I know.
[11:18:17 AM] Cupcake: Ah! Pressure to live up to the image that you
already had of me in the first place!
[11:18:18 AM] Tim: well you were that good before i asked you out.
that's why i did so. nothing has changed.
[11:18:18 AM] Cupcake: I'm crazy.
[11:18:23 AM] Tim: exactly
[11:18:25 AM] Tim: stop that!
[11:19:02 AM] Cupcake: Okay, okay, I'll try. ::bites tongue::
[11:19:12 AM] Tim: wait...don't stop that :(
[11:20:20 AM] Cupcake: I wonder how long the relationship will go on
before you're begging me to bite my tongue for once. ;)
[11:20:32 AM] Cupcake: I should start taking bets
[11:20:36 AM] Tim: forever?
[11:22:32 AM] Cupcake: I'm hoping. :)
[03:53:32 PM] Tim: i have confirmed that there will be a family wiffle
ball tournament this year
[03:53:36 PM] Cupcake: Whoo!
[03:53:48 PM] Cupcake: Ahh! I'm so excited!
[03:53:56 PM] Cupcake: I get to meet your family and play something
with them that I'm reasonably good at
[03:54:05 PM] Cupcake: And I get to be Malorie Dannay for a day. :-D
[03:54:15 PM] Tim: either the 17th, 24th, or 31st of july. not yet
confirmed on the exact date.
[03:54:22 PM] Tim: but there will be one
[03:54:29 PM] Cupcake: don't you have NYC trip on the 17th?
[03:54:39 PM] Tim: yes, so expect that it won't be then
[03:54:43 PM] Cupcake: lol. okay
[03:54:58 PM] Cupcake: Wow! I remembered somethign!
[03:55:44 PM] Tim: they won't have it without me
[03:56:03 PM] Cupcake: damn straight
[03:56:45 PM] Tim: if team dannay isn't there, then the tournament
isn't there. we're important. we lost for so many
years because my sister and i were too young to be good,
and then my sister was gone and i got really awesome,
and we finally won, so our dynasty has begun
[03:56:58 PM] Tim: winners even win tiny little trophies
[03:57:02 PM] Tim: i'll show you mine
[03:57:18 PM] Cupcake: Ha! I want a wiffle ball trophy SO bad.
[03:57:25 PM] Cupcake: That's fantastic.
[03:57:31 PM] Cupcake: I love that family already.
[03:57:37 PM] Tim: yeah, my aunt/uncle (hosts) are fantastic
[03:57:42 PM] Cupcake: :)