Sorry this summary is so late
I love the friendship between Reese, Carter, and Fusco.
I stand by what I said in my first recap, I would be pissed if I was Carter and Reese was just dragging me to Texas.
Too bad Fusco had to stay behind, I would've killed to see his face when they got to the hotel room and it only had one bed.
I love the skeptical reactions of Carter and Fusco regarding Hanna Frey being Root including Fusco's "This girl been gone 20 years without a long you been drinking?"
Reese jacking Fusco's phone, oh man that was awesome.
"Did you just jack my phone?"
"It's a malware app, little tip, somone offers you a great deal on any sort of male-enhancement pill don't click on it."
Poor Fusco trying to train Bear, I would've failed so hard at the Dutch commands.
Carter's face while they were walking to the hotel and when she saw only one bed in the room was priceless, I wish I could find a gif of it.
"So what are the sleeping arrangements?"
"Well I don't plan on sleeping much and if I do the bathtub...the floor will be fine." Nonchalant Reese is one of my favorite Reese's.
His face when he snuck in to get Hanna's case file was awesome. He was like "Aw man, this shit again?"
I had completley forgotten about Denton Weeks until I read
hotch_fan fanfic A Worthy Opponent, A Valuable Ally.
The Oregon Trail, that game was the bane of my childhood exsistence. My friends and I would play it for hours at a time *sighs* I miss those days.
I love when Reese is kicking ass and taking names and he didn't dissapoint at the bar.
Finch was killing me while he was being held hostage.
"Can you please make this stop?"
"Let him down, please."
"What happened to you?" My poor Finchy
Why would you keep a car that was used in a crime 20 years ago? I would get rid of that shit immediately. Maybe Barbara Russel kept it just because it was her husbands but still, it's been 20 years, why hang onto a car that long?
Damn that fight between Root and Weeks was intense.
And of course I was dead at Finch's "Stop it!" Finch even shows concern for people who are holding him hostage. :(
Flowers for Algernon is such an amazing book. I wish I owned it, after this episode I really wanted to read it again.
Again, why would you keep all those books? I would not want the constant reminder around my house, I would just sell them as soon as they got to me.
Damn you Denton Weeks trying to kill Finch as soon as he gave you the information you wanted. He only tried to save your fucking life. Ugh
Damn, Root scared me a bit when she tazered Weeks. Oh well, sweet move none the less.
Lol at the dudes from the bar trying to get a rise out of Reese. Then Reese's "Not now, fellas" and then kicking their asses all over again.
Wow Barbara Russel, you let an innocent child die and threatened another one because you didn't want to believe the man you were in love with could do such an evil thing. -__-
"Hey buddy, we don't want any trouble."
"Police Buisness." Lol, one of the greatest moments of the episode.
They did a great job convincing me that Hanna was Root, hats off to the casting directors, they did a great job casting a kid who looks like Amy Acker. Aw, Poor Hanna never got the satisfaction of making it to Oregon :(
"No, you're worse than Weeks, you're worse than all of them. I'd rather die than give you the machine, so please kill me now, at least I won't have to listen to you anymore." Finch in total despair D:
Carter coming into the hotel room after discovering Hanna's body was brillant.
"Why is there a crossbow on the bed?"
"Long story, but we're friends now."
I actually felt kind of sorry for Root. How awful would it be to try and save one of your only friends, only to have no one believe you. I was actually rooting (terrible pun, I know) for her when she got Trent Russell killed, he totally deserved it.
What was Root's secret for playing the Oregon Trail? Wish I knew it, I can't count the amount of hours I wasted on that game and the number of times I died. I think I only made it to Oregon about 4 or 5 times.
Fusco and Bear in the car :D
"Hey it worked, how do you say that in Dutch?"
Get that needle away from Finch's neck you bitch! HDU
Go Finch, using the phone as a tap code to show Reese where you were at.
Aw, Denton Weeks died
I felt like there were some major time descrepancies in this episode. Root took way to long getting to the train station and Reese got to Maryland way to quickly. Oh well, I'm willing to overlook them.
"Because you're wrong, he proves you're wrong. Not all humans are bad code." Get it Finch! Kick her ass with your words!
Aw Finch, you little hero! Saving that guy even while you're under the influence of a sedative.
Yes! Reese rescuing Finch!
I litterally started applauding and awwing when that happened. It was a little pathetic, my mom actually called down and said "Are you alright down there?" But I didn't care, Finch and Reese were together again.
I have to confess, even though I was thrilled they were reunited I wish it would've gone on a little bit longer, it would've made the reunion even more special.
"I really didn't intend for you to come and find me Mr. Reese, there are other people who need your help."
"You saved my life once or twice Harold, it seemed only fair I return the favor."
I really love Carter and Fusco's friendship. I may even start shipping them.
Finch's WTF face when Bear walked up was classic!
"Harold, meet Bear, unfortunately my apartment has a strict policy regarding dogs."
"I have a policy regarding rare first editions, namely don't eat them. Asimov, he has expensive taste, I'm sure we'll get along."
"Mr. Reese, I owe you a debt." *fangirl squeal*
Finch's face when Root called, God, Michael Emerson is just amazing!
"Come near us again and you will be sorry." Yowza, I got some major chills and goosebumps from that line.
I'm actually kind of glad Root escaped, she's a truly fascinating villian and I'd like to see her come back.