I don't know why...

Jun 24, 2005 01:27

But I have suddenly decided to actually use this journal. I'm not going to write anything extremely personal or anything, and nothing revealing, but I just feel like using it once in a blue moon if I need to.

So tonight I talked to Aeryn on the phone for exactly one hour, thirty minutes, and thirty seconds. Don't ask me why I know the exact time, I just thought it was interesting that it took exactly that amount of time. It was nice to talk to her, though, I miss her and Rose a lot. She's going to visit Rose later in the summer, and I would join them, but I'll already be away. While we were talking I thought it would be a nice idea to walk around the neighborhood. I like walking around here at night, it's nice and quiet. Probably one of the few things I enjoy and appreciate about suburbia. I just didn't like the bright lights in my face every time a car passed.

Then I came inside and watched Mean Girls with my sister. I can't decided whether I like that movie or not. But I do like some of the more subtle jokes in it. Like "Chlamydia, that's spelled K-L-A..."

I've been reading a lot recently. Oh so intellectual books such as The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants part dur, And Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix. What's next? Pride and Prejudice. Yuck. I hate summer reading. But after I finish that I get to read Freakonomics. I'm excited about that, I read the introduction in Mr. Mace's copy - its soooo good. Then its more summer reading...

Well, I have to go clean my room. I'm out.