Anyone feel like doing a podfic cover or two? Both are due South stories.
Hirsute Angry Thief by
bluebrocade is gen humor; it's set at the 2-7 and features Fraser, RayK, and Dief plus the usual supporting characters.
Lies, Neckties, and Ballistics by
china_shop is an F/K casefic story with lots of character exploration.
I recorded both of these for dSSS but didn't have time to wrangle cover art for them in time for the exchange. I'd love to make audiobooks of them and cover art would be terrific and much appreciated.
In other news: Today I posted
my podfic recording of Ublarpassik by
andeincascade, a marvelous post-quest dS story that I love like breathing.
akamine_chan made a lovely cover for it. <3