Regarding naps. And betas. And how much isiscolo rocks. Also: I won a thing! \o/

Jul 01, 2008 19:54

If you sleep for four hours, does it still count as a nap? Whatever. It was good. And much needed. *bleary smile*

Isis sent my RPF thing back and confirmed my suspicion that it's not quite a story. I'm pondering whether to just tweak it so it works (well enough, anyway) as is, or if I should sit on it for a couple of days and see if there's a real story in there somewhere.

While I'm on the subject: I don't mention it nearly often enough, considering how important she is in my fannish life -- and in many of your lives, too -- but I have ridiculous amounts of love for isiscolo.

Sometimes it's easy to forget to appreciate people who contribute in huge but less visible ways, behind the scenes, so it's worth trumpeting these things aloud every now and then.

Isis is one of the most generous souls in fandom, and she's given hugely of her time and resources and talents and skills and enthusiasm in ways that some people may not even be aware of. You know that closet where you keep finding so many priceless gems? That's her baby, a gift from her to all of us. She's a marvelous writer and storyteller; I've spent many happy hours reading her stories. I've gained a huge and invaluable education in plot and structure from serving as her beta. And she's an outstanding beta herself -- perceptive and truthful and supportive and constructive -- who has donated her time and skills to more people than I can count, including patient fostering of any number of newbie writers. She taught me how to record podfics, and took away my (considerable) fear of doing it for the first time. Want to find links to all the Wilby Wonderful or Slings and Arrows fics in the known universe? You can, and you have Isis to thank for it.

And beyond that, she gets me. I feel like I've known her forever, and while I can't travel into the past to make that so, I can cherish her friendship now and into the future. I wish I lived next door to her so we could hang out and watch fannish media and talk and laugh over a cuppa any damn time we felt like it.

Isis, I love you a lot. You're one of my shining lights, for a hundred different reasons. Just so's you know. ♥

And finally:

The amplificathon mods are outdoing themselves, piling heaps and heaps of love and awards and prizes upon the participants, and today it was my turn.

Even though I started podficcing only two weeks before the 'thon closed, I am a creature of enthusiasm, and I ended up recording almost two dozen podfics in a wide variety of fandoms and pairings, and at the end of it all I came in a startling FOURTH in the point standings.

No one was more astonished at this than I was. It was quite giddymaking, and I was insufferably chuffed over it for days.

Today the mods gave me an award, bless their generous and ever-lovin' hearts:


Every now and then I sort of rock. :-)
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