That was way harder than it should have been.
I was hovering over the web page, refreshing every few seconds and waiting for 10am to roll around. As soon as the "Buy Tickets" option appeared I pounced on it... and got taken to the
event detail screen where I once again clicked on "Buy Tickets"... and got redirected right back to the event detail screen. Over and over and over again.
Called the venue. Busy signal. Redialed about 150 times (literally). Finally got through and got a recorded message that eventually got around to telling me I could call TicketMaster and order over the phone.
Called TicketMaster. They were not aware any event at all at the Fillmore on March 26th, nor did their voice recognition recognize "Tragically Hip".
Went to the
TicketMaster website where I finally had success. Yes, they recognized the event and yes, they would sell me a ticket. \o/ But at every single step they threaten you: You must complete this step within 1:00 minute or we will release your tickets to someone else. O.O
Good thing I have my credit card number memorized.
I now own one (1) Tragically Hip ticket, with a face value of $25, and it will only cost me $38.55 to receive it.
Okay. I'm awake now.