Have you ever heard the
great blue heron's call? They make a loud, hoarse, and distinctly unlovely GRAAWWK sort of noise.
That's me today. It's really kind of funny, except that I'm dogsitting for Lovely Neighbors' dog Francesca, and she seems vaguely alarmed by the strange noises coming out of my mouth when I try to talk to her.
As for N3: I resisted Numb3rs for the longest time because I was afraid I'd get fannish about it, and everybody seemed to be writing the Eppescest pairing, which is a place I won't go.
But I watched an episode on a whim a few weeks ago, and now I'm sorry I've missed it all along. I don't pretend to have any remote comprehension of the math, so I can blissfully handwave questions of plausibility and just happily enjoy the characters and the relationships between them. This is a really lovely show, with wonderful family dynamics. And Larry is just a dear, isn't he? Last night's ep made me all weepy-happy. *sniffly wobbly smile*
Now I want DVDs. And maybe some nice N3 gen fic.