[Written | Open To All]

Oct 22, 2011 08:00

Welcome ladies, gentlemen, to the Malnosso Assigment and Reward Center. That stands for MARS. Center may not start with an S, but it damn well should, once you sound it out. The Luceti program, that's you lot, was set up to include the best of the best. Heroes, geniuses, and all you other people. Special's the word the people in charge like to use ( Read more... )

the manager

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its_troublesome October 22 2011, 23:15:59 UTC
[This thing sounds really interesting, CJ, and he's gonna let you finish, but... The Great One is the greatest NPC of all time I'msorryIhadtodoit]

...what's that bit about sanity and next week?


malnosso October 22 2011, 23:18:31 UTC
Just what it said on the tin, son. My job here is to talk about MARS. That's it.


its_troublesome October 22 2011, 23:51:28 UTC
How troublesome... [He's going to keep it in mind, though. 8|]

Well in that case, what measures are being taken to make sure volunteers will only be given assignments that they can handle?


malnosso October 22 2011, 23:56:05 UTC
Tons of research. Spent a hell of a lot of money to make sure we'd know just what you people are capable of.


its_troublesome October 23 2011, 00:04:04 UTC
That's reassuring. [Not. He's not comfortable that they could find out so much about everyone here just with some 'research'. Especially when it's unclear so far if that's going to mean squat in the end.]

And you're not gonna be like the idiots who send little kids or people who know shit about fighting out into the middle of the war zone anyways.

[Because that is the main issue here, far as he can see.]


malnosso October 23 2011, 00:06:22 UTC
Only if they volunteer and can handle the job. I once saw a five year old beat up a grown man. Fierce little kid. He stole my wallet after that.


its_troublesome October 23 2011, 00:26:32 UTC
That grown man was you, wasn't it.


malnosso October 23 2011, 01:06:11 UTC
You can't prove anything.


its_troublesome October 23 2011, 01:13:03 UTC
[He grins, briefly. Pointless as the turn in the conversation may seem, Shikamaru had his own reasoning behind it.]

Don't worry, I'm not interested in doing so anytime soon.

This really is volunteers-only though, right? No chances of executive meddling, like with the drafts? 'Cause some of this stuff sounds about as dangerous.


malnosso October 23 2011, 01:16:33 UTC
It's what I said, isn't it? Volunteers only. No meddling. Sure, it's just as dangerous, but that village is crawling with people who love this stuff.


its_troublesome October 23 2011, 01:28:38 UTC
Yup. Definitely a lot of people who are nuts enough for it.

[Same thing, really. But this reminds him of something he told Bil a while back - that there were other ways the Malnosso could use their power, or the villagers themselves.

He's still not sure how trustworthy these kinds can be, but you can't make progress without showing a little faith yourself.]

Will you guys be working with us a little better when it comes to these missions? It'd be helpful if we could get all the information we'll need to handle job without asking questions, for once.


malnosso October 23 2011, 15:46:27 UTC
Once you arrive, you'll get an information packet with all you need. On the job training, too! You'll be pros at doing whatever the hell it is you people will be doing in no time.


its_troublesome October 23 2011, 23:13:47 UTC
Will we be able to keep in contact with people back in the village while we're on these missions?


malnosso October 28 2011, 19:25:44 UTC
No can do. Journals will be disconnected from the network. That's what they tell me. You're better off leaving them at home.


its_troublesome October 29 2011, 00:58:34 UTC
Troublesome. But all right. How much notice, on average, can we expect to be given if we're asked to go on a mission?


malnosso November 1 2011, 15:10:53 UTC
One day. Best I can do for you. Sometimes it might be less.


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