Your eyes are green. You love to have fun.
sometimes you forget that other people don't
find life as fun as you but you soon make it
up. When people hurt you you don't let it show.
This is good and bad. Some poeple think that
this shows you don't care about them but at
least people will never laugh at your pain.
People love you because you are yourself, keep
it up.
what should your eye colour be??? brought to you by
Quizilla People see fun in your eyes! People are drawn to
you because of your fun-loving personality, and
if they aren't...then they should be! You are
probably a really cool person who just wants to
have a good time without having to worry about
anything. A downside may be that people find
you annoying, or they think that you aren't
mature enough to take care of things. But don't
worry about it. They're just party-poopers
anyway, right?
What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!)) brought to you by
Quizilla You chose blue-green eyes.
You are a very happy, hyper person. You love to
laugh a lot with your friends, and you are loud
in large crowds. Most of the time you're
smiling, but inside, you have a slight low self
esteem, and you try to cover it up with
cheerfullness. You try to live life to the
fullest. You also believe in all the
supernatural things. Like in faeries, ghosts,
aliens, etc...You like to keep your options
open. You can sometimes be a bit bossy too,
when people don't always like the same things
you like. It makes you defensive.
The Eye color personality test brought to you by
Quizilla You are a Pisces, the kindest sign of the zodiac.
You are sympathetic, sensitive, impressionable,
compassionate, forgiving, imaginative, a
dreamer, romantic, tolerant, and funny. Of all
the animals in the world you are most like two
fish, you swim in the watery depths of feeling
and knowledge. And about those TWO fish, you
have two choises in how to live your life
1)you can try to swim upstream(which is the harder
way but life is full of challenges, plus the
rewards are much sweeter)
or 2) you can just "float" along the
bottem of the river(which is when you take the
EASY way, which has more, can i say, BORING!
-your colors are pale green and tuquoise, the color
and light of the sea in which you dwell
-your metal is platinum
-your precious stone is aquamarine(imagine that,
aqua AND marine)
-your day of the week is friday
-the part of the body that you rule is you feet,
weird isn't is,i mean, seeing as your a FISH!!
-your element is, wait for it____, WATER *me:wow
didn't see that one comming*
-the platet that you are ruled by is neptune, named
after the greek god Posiden(AKA neptune).
Posiden is the god of all things water.
-your true love comes form a cancer, taurus, virgo,
or your own pisces
What is Your TRUE Astrology Sign? (for guys and girls with incredibly detailed answers and incredible pictures+READ MEMO PLEASE) brought to you by
Quizilla Your soul contains Happiness. You are bright and
fun loving inside and out! Being bubbly and
full of life draws people to you. You have good
friends and people find it hard to dislike you.
What does your soul contain? (lots of pics and lots of outcomes) brought to you by
Quizilla I must go...there will be more later I am sure of it