Mar 16, 2006 19:52
today was nice.
i have OSHA training this week and it sucks so much. and because of it we can't see the yellow dress or whatever. i hear it's kinda funny. eff dat.
i worked on my history of costume paper basically all day. i passed in the rough draft. i don't like it. but it needs to be done. i wanted to choose the 1920s but someone already chose that. i think it was julie. i don't like her. she annoys me. but anyways... i'm stuck doing the 1750s... and i thought that was a good era... but no. it's ugly. and colonial. eff that.
i finally got my parking permit. i kept the old picture, the one that's on my school ID. I kinda regret that... it's an awful picture of me. but o well. i can drive to school now. but i'm not going to until i get a job.
speaking of jobs... i'm getting really discouraged. no one's really hiring. marshalls is and i put an application in over a month ago. i went back when i was told to... on the first and talked to a manager. he said to come back in a week if i wasn't called. i wasn't. so i went back again and talked to the manager in charge of hiring who said she would have to find my application and stuff. and i haven't heard back. 2 managers... no answer. that's discouraging.
let's talk about something else before i cry.
i'm thinking about deleting this journal and making a new one. i can't think of a new user name for the life of me. i'm sick of commenting on friends journals and having tiffany reply to what i have to say with some immature remark that has no significance to anything. and it would solve a lot of drama if the people who were ass holes towards me didn't know what journal was mine... that way they won't have any way of directing their drama at me. sick of that shit.
i really miss cory. i'm kinda worried about what's gonna happen when we both have jobs... blah.