Friend to the Birds

Jul 05, 2024 07:21

New York Magazine, ever a hyena in periodical form though it caters to a leaning-left readership, printed a devastating piece on Biden.

The money quote: A sex scandal might help him right now, in fact.

I suspect the article’s ripple effect will be huge.

Most disturbing part of the piece was not the insinuations that Biden is being used as a front-this is something I already knew and the reason why I always refer to “the Biden administration” when I talk politics-but the descriptions of his many plastic surgeries gone bad: …if only by millimeters, his cosmetically altered proportions knocked his overall facial harmony into the realm of the improbable. His thin skin, long a figurative problem and now a literal one, was pulled tightly over cheeks that seemed to vary month to month in volume. Under artificial light and in the sunshine, he took on an unnatural gleam.

In America, nobody makes a comeback from botched plastic surgery.


Also, if when Unca Joe drops out, the only possible replacement candidate is Kamala Harris. Because she’s the only person who has the legal right to use the $100 million or so in the Biden/Harris campaign chest.


Meanwhile, BB dropped by yesterday to check out the new Patrizia-torium. He approved!

While he was here, the weirdest thing happened-a bird appeared suddenly in the living room! This was so, so strange because the only open window in the house was upstairs and had a screen over it, and I knew the bird hadn’t flown in through the door.

Somehow I managed to corral and capture it. Not easy. And released it outside. It looked to be a fledgling, but it flew energetically. Must have come down the chimney, poor thing.

Anyhoo, now I am a Friend to the Birds and expect to be suitably venerated in the Bird Religion.

friends, animals, politics

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