Kiskas & Chicksas

Jun 30, 2024 10:42

First night sleeping in the new digs.

I woke up a lot.

But then, I always do.


When it was time to load the kiskas into their crates and transport them to the Promised Land, Mabel hid.

Great! I’ll just leave you here, thought I furiously after wasting half an hour searching. (Futile! Since as we all know, cats have the ability to teleport themselves into other dimensions. If they don’t want to be found, they won’t be found.)

I drove back to Wallkill with the compliant and altogether much better-behaved Molly, spinning a little tale in my head of Mabel, the Ghost Cat of White Oaks Road who, long after L’s been carted away to Dementia Memory Acres, torments the new owners of the house by materializing and dematerializing, seemingly at random…

Put the rest of the bed together. Unpacked a couple of boxes.

But I could not abandon Mabel, of course. She’s just too plump & sassy! So, I drove across the Great Water to collect her and back-again-

Both kiskas seem to like the new digs.

The sky had been overcast and grey all day though it never did get around to raining. There wasn’t a proper sunset, but there was a splash of vivid color across the western horizon:

The chicksas have also been an endless source of entertainment. They graze! Like sheep! 😀

I told L I would come over today to clean the erstwhile Patrizia-torium thoroughly and return the keys, but I think I’m gonna put that off till tomorrow. (How mean is it to say to say she won’t know the difference?)

Instead, I am going to assemble the desk, do some Remuneration (because I must stay on top of the revenue stream), unpack a few boxes, and explore the village of Wallkill.

I have a feeling there is absolutely nothing of interest in Wallkill.

But I won’t know for sure till I investigate.

moving, cats

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